5 SEO tips for blog content in 2024

We share our highlights of what you should look to do to make the most of your blog content in 2024.



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With a flurry of updates, opinions and information flooding the SEO world at the moment, it can be difficult to understand what it all means. One thing for certain is the increasing importance of a fully fledged blog content strategy.

Our SEO Executive (Jana Kukebal) gives her highlights below of what you should look to do to make the most of your blog content in 2024.

1. Put Search Intent in Focus

Creating articles based on high-search volume terms is ok, but what if that’s not what your readers are actually looking for? Quality over quantity. Always! It’s better to reach one reader and help them rather than reaching ten readers with zero outcome.

✅ Explore and understand your audience

✅ Conduct industry research, not just keywords research

✅ Identify your readers’ pain points and provide them with practical solutions

2. Organise Information

Plain block of text or a few well-titled paragraphs with bulleted lists? Surely, you’d chose the latter option. It’s much easier for readers to grasp information when it is well-organised. Unfortunately, many people still overlook this crucial aspect, but let’s not be those people!

✅ Add structured data            

✅ Ensure your titles are relevant and descriptive

✅ Use bulleted or numbered lists

3. Create Concise Content

When faced with a problem, especially one that requires an urgent solution, most people prefer a quick one-sentence answer rather than a 15-minute-long video or a lengthy article. So why would you burden your readers with long, irrelevant content?

✅ Keep it short and sweet

✅ Place the most important information at the beginning of the article

✅ Highlight the main idea and key points

4. Consult Experts

Instead of pretending to be an expert in every subject, reach out to actual experts who can provide unique and genuinely helpful content. It may be challenging and require some investment, but both -readers and Google – will appreciate it!

✅ Expand your network and connect with various experts

✅ Seek an expert’s opinion on relevant topics (people LOVE sharing their opinions)

✅ Make sure you credit the expert

5. Use Artificial Intelligence

We have amazing opportunities opened up with AI tools, so why not to use them?! AI can accelerate processes and help with research, ideas and proofreading. But there are a few rules to follow:

✅ Always fact-check. AI can fool you.

✅ Review AI-generated content carefully and edit it. Avoid blind copy and paste.

✅ Add a personal touch. AI is great but the reader wants to hear from you, not a robot.

If you want to discuss optimising your business’ blog with our SEO experts, then please reach out to start a conversation with us today.