
Found Webinar Replay: Demystifying SEO: The Future of SEO ranking factors.



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Last week we hosted another very special webinar all about Search Engine Optimisation and the changing ranking factors. Now if you missed the webinar or just want a recap, you’re in the right place.

The Head of SEO Operations at Found, Tom Brand; kicks the webinar off by introducing the agenda with the first speaker being Hannah Thorpe. She used her section to speak about SEO in 2020 and how it has evolved over time; what are the most important things to optimise and how do they help you rank?

Jono Alderson from Yoast was our guest speaker of the day and his section was all about speed. I’m not just talking about how fast he talks, but he wanted to highlight the importance of site speed in modern SEO. Users will not wait around for your site, so you need to ensure that you’re constantly optimising everything you can. As Jono describes, there is no shortcut to this and the key is optimising every small element to the max because if you look after the milliseconds, the seconds will take care of themselves.

You can watch Hannah’s and Jono’s talks below, we hope you find it insightful and enjoyable!

Demystifying SEO: The Future of SEO ranking.


00:00-00:30Intro & Welcome – Tom Brand, Found
00:30-24:31What even is SEO nowadays? The new ranking factors – Hannah Thorpe, Found
24:31-28:32 – Q&A with Hannah Thorpe, Found
28:32-49:17Gone in a second: Speed up or lose your customers – Jono Alderson, Yoast
49:17-55:37Q&A with Jono Alderson, Yoast
55:37-56:07Outro & Goodbye – Tom Brand, Found

If you’d like to chat to one of the team at Found about this webinar or anything else, then please get in touch today.

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