Found Recognised with Excellence In Wellbeing award by GPTW



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Chelsea Hall, Head of People

Culture, General News

1 Minute

10 May 2024

8 months on from ranking 6th in the Great Place to Work Awards 2020, Found have been recognised for another award from Great Places to Work. For the second year in a row, we’ve been awarded the Excellence in Wellbeing recognition. We are absolutely delighted with this news and hope to continue looking after our employees to the best of our ability.

Rewind to a year ago, January 2020, we couldn’t have imagined the year to turn out how it did. Coronavirus not only threatened our physical health, but also our mental health as we were confined to our homes for months. This presented a new challenge for employers to help support their employees wellbeing in uncertain times, and completely remotely.

It was, and still remains, more important than ever for us to support our team through this time and we did so through regular check-ins, mental health talks, creating a wellbeing channel on Slack to share tips and resources, sending out mental health packs from Mind in the post to encouraging movement challenges, introducing even more flexible working hours and more to support our team with the ups and downs that the pandemic as thrown at us.

That’s why being recognised for the this award following last year feels all the more significant, and we’re extremely proud of everyone at Found for adapting quickly and looking after themselves, as well as each other.

Onwards and upwards in 2021!