Found Wins At The Drum Search Awards 2019



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Harrison Wright, Client Experience Manager

Digital Marketing, General News

1 Minute

10 Apr 2019

13 May 2024

Another awards ceremony and ANOTHER win for Found.

The end of 2018 saw a flurry of award wins for the Found Team, with us winning the Best PPC Campaign and the Best Use of Search (Retail) for our work with client Bonmarché, at the 2018 UK Search Awards. Also, our very own CEO, Tina Judic, was awarded Marketing Agency Leader of the Year at The Drum Agency Business Awards.

Last week it was time for The Drum Search Awards 2019. Not wanting to buck the trend, we are delighted to announce we’ve been awarded the trophy for Best B2C Campaign – SEO, for our work with AllClear. A fantastic achievement and one that we’re all extremely proud of here at Found.

Found AllClear Drum Search Awards
Credit: Dom Martin

If you’d like to have a chat about how we can assist you with your digital marketing campaigns, reach out andconnect with us today.