Have you met Dan and George?



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Last Updated

Florence Bundy, COO


2 Minutes

26 Apr 2013

20 May 2024

Found has recently welcomed two new faces to the team and they are quite awesome chaps! So, here is a “formal” introduction.

Daniel Locke

Search Account Manager

Dan Locke

Dan is a former SEO’er who has worked both in an agency and as a consultant. His previous experience working search campaigns gave him the know-how to develop new and effective strategies for our clients. Here is some more to know about this Everton fan:

A village in the centre of the world famous Milton Keynes-Bedford-Luton triangle.

Any hidden talents? Karate belts? World records? Medals? Collections?
Puffin 5m Swimming. Puffin 10m Swimming. Didn’t even bother with the 15 –straight into my Puffin 20m.

You were trained as a journalist, any grammatical pet peeves to share?
Their’s definately several spelling and grammer peevs I’ve got.

Sweet or savoury?

Ideal savoury snack?
Pizza, no question. Next.

You claim to have an unrivaled knowledge of song lyrics, what is the most embarrassing song you can verse by heart?
Any early Sugababes. Not embarrassed though – Overload is a masterpiece

Why do you hate lolly sticks?
I’d rather not talk about it.

As a previous safari park employee (who worked in the kitchen) what is the scariest animal you ever faced? Dead or alive?
They shut all the guests in the restaurant once when an Impala got out. Not that scary, but real life man.

George Bett

Senior Partnerships Manager

George Bett

A veteran in the affiliate industry, George has the experience and understanding that will take the Found affiliate partners to a new level. Performance marketing is this Liverpool fan’s specialty but there is a load more to this St Peter Port, Guernsey native:

Have you ever used the fact you played international cricket for Guernsey to gain/take advantage?
Not yet, I suspect I would be unsuccessful given the lack of kudos Guernsey has in the wider cricketing world!

Any hidden talents? Karate belts? World records? Medals? Collections?
I have a u11 county Tennis trophy I’m still rather proud of.

Sweet or savoury?

Ideal savoury snack?
Crisps, love crisps.

What do you have against dogs dressed as people?
Ah I can’t stand it, dogs have fur………… they don’t need ski jackets or waterproof hats.

Best golf score?
81, 9 over par.

Best course you ever played on?
Valderrama – unsuccessfully.

As a former ice cream van man what is something customers do not want to know?
Basically everything… As a 14 year old I was less concerned with food hygiene then I was giving free ice creams to my mates. I’m a changed man now though!