10 Digital Trends



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Christie Clark, Marketing Manager

General News, SEO, Social Media, Trends

2 Minutes

21 May 2024

Welcome to 2013 – the world didn’t end..

It’s that reflective time of year again, we’ve all made resolutions or at least thought about making some, and it’s in January that we tend to think about what has been and what will come to pass. There’s always a tidal wave of articles around this time of year reviewing the previous years’ highlights and summing up what to expect for the upcoming year. It’s a rejuvenating process, we take stock and we make plans for the year ahead.

So what did happen in 2012?

Well one thing it was a BIG year for was Social Media. Facebook introduced timelines and Twitter introduced brand pages, the ASA got involved in regulating promotional tweets and Facebook floated on the stock exchange. And all that was just the first half of the year! Later on we saw Google+ pass 400 million users, LinkedIn revamp its profile pages, Facebook purge fake accounts and Pinterest opening its doors to all comers.

It wasn’t a dull year on other fronts either.

April saw Google make a significant change to its search algorithm, ‘Penguin‘. This went a long way towards clearing the search space of ‘spammy’ sites and those violating Google’s own webmaster guidelines, making for a cleaner and better search experience… well that was the aim anyway.

The dreaded ‘EU Cookie Law‘ came to pass, moments after the ICO made a last minute U-turn on the type of consent required from users around cookies, the collective sigh of relief from website owners everywhere was almost audible as they realised that they weren’t going to lose visibility on what 9 out of 10 visitors to their sites were doing.

But what about 2013?

We’ve put our predictive hats on here at Found and come up with a list of 10 Digital Trends that we think will be creating waves in 2013. Check out our Slideshare below and let us know if you agree.

10 Digital Trends for 2013 from Found