Found Welcomes Dan S & Elle



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Chelsea Hall, Head of People


3 Minutes

22 Oct 2013

17 May 2024

There is a chill in the London air but here at Found we are offering two Founders the warmest of welcomes. We have also had three interns recently join the team and are currently recruiting!

So without further a do meet our new starters:

Daniel Stephenson

Junior Search Analyst

Dan Stephenson

Dan is the newest Search Analyst to join Found. He brings along Account Management experience and a love for amateur dramatics. Take a read to learn more:

Northampton – home of the gentleman’s shoe.

If you were only able to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Steak, medium rare. Is asking for a glass of red too much?

Favourite movie ?

Loch Ness. This is not a typo.

Rumour has it you are a world record holder?

It’s getting around already, huh. You may have seen me signing autographs in shopping centres and getting mobbed in a Tesco near you. I actually share my record with a mere 416 other people of this 7 billion person planet having been part of a group of 417 achieving ‘The most bow ties tied simultaneously’.

As a fan of mountains and skiing, where is the best place you have ever skied?

Europe is my favourite place for mountains. One of my best memories is skiing very early in the morning in Cortina, Italy taking advantage of the crisp snow and zooming down the slopes while everyone else was still in bed.

Paper, kindle or ipad?

Paper. I am resisting getting a Kindle as long as I can. I guess I like to physically leaf my way through a book and feel a sense of satisfaction that I’ve finished. Plus I think they look cool on the shelf as long as you hide the embarrassing ones away.

Money and time is no factor, where in the world would you travel next?

Japan. It seems so unique and I want to ride the bullet train, eat food I didn’t know existed and find out what geishas are all about.

Elle Stewart

Client Services Executive

Elle Stewart Paris

Armed with a background in market research, public relations and event marketing, Elle jumped aboard the Client Services team after first coming to Found as an SEO intern. Take a read to find out more about Elle:

Sydney, Australia

If you were only able to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
My Mum’s Mexican; nachos, burritos or tacos.

Rumour has it you are a Buzzfeed addict, any favourite posts to share?
The one top of mind at the moment is 22 Amazing Kids’ Halloween Costumes That They’re Too Young To Understand – with one baby dressed as Wilson from cast away, pure gold.

As an Aussie who loves beaches, what is your favourite beach / best beach in the world?
I have two favourites: Santa Maria Beach, Sal – Cape Verde and Gunnamatta bay, Cronulla, Sydney.

Paper, kindle or ipad?

Favourite book?
The bronze Horseman series

Best part of living in London?
Markets and winter fashion

Top places to shop in London?
Miss Selfridge, Ted Baker, Oasis and Dune

If you are interested in working at Found, check out our careers page for current vacancies.