An SEO event that even Googlebot would enjoy



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Found Editor,


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26 Sep 2012

26 Sep 2012

It is important as a digital marketer to attend events, not only to network with others but to discuss techniques, tools and, more importantly, ideas.

This year I have made it a goal of mine to attend more SEO-specific events and, most recently, I attended Search London, which proved to be another great event. Search London is arranged by @SEOJoBlogs, and is an SEO event that even Googlebot would love, especially as it wants to be ‘a real boy’.

This leads on nicely to the stand-out talk of the evening, which was from Kelvin Newman. Kelvin is the chap who founded BrightonSEO, and his presentation was entitled ‘How to Build Links That Google Will Enjoy‘.

I thought his presentation about the content strategy process was impressive, much like his full beard. The points put across aligned with many of my thoughts about the process of developing a content strategy that is effective in gaining links. I have been banging the content drum for years now at Found, both internally for our own properties as well as for client campaigns.

Google really wants to be a 'real boy'

Kelvin certainly illustrated the way companies should be looking to build a sustainable and long-lasting SEO strategy. I thought Kelvin did a great job in terms of presentation of the slides and adding extra explanations, using simple concepts to describe the process in an entertaining manner. There is certainly an ideation process that needs to be undertaken before the content is created.

No longer can the SEO agency sit too far apart from clients and just get on with it. We need to consult, plan and work with existing marketing teams to help the brand become a publisher in their own right. This might be a long hard slog for some, but is worth it. Every SEO knows it is easier to get exposure for an item online that is exceptional and help it on its way to success. It will be part of the SEO’s role to understand, identify opportunities and work towards developing these ‘remarkable’ items of content. It has made many re-think their site design this year, with much more focus on authors, and improving the ease of posting new pieces that can engage with potential customers.

This year we have expanded our SEO team so that we have skills in complementary areas, with an additional focus on having an eye for design and writing skills. I would hope that most forward-thinking agencies understand this and do not just continue with a cookie-cutter approach to SEO. Luckily, as an extension of our SEO team we already have an established and exceptional studio team who can assist us with designing and developing stunning pieces of work.

Get involved

I’m looking forward to attending Search London again this month, as well as OMN which is a digital marketing event with a fantastic venue – the HMS president.  If you want to find out more about the BrightonSEO event then read Raluca’s BrightonSEO review and also Philip’s overview of the SEO tools discussed by the speakers at the event.

If you would like to start your own event, then the organisers of these digital marketing events gave excellent advice & tips about organising your own SEO conference over on the SEOChicks SEO blog. Great stuff.

This week many of the Found team are attending some of the many social media week events, which takes place at many venues and offices around the world. I look forward to hearing their thoughts, and might try to get to several myself!