This week Found welcomes Charlotte Bella to the team, who joins under the role, Partnerships Process Manager.
Charlotte has a wealth of experience in supporting and managing teams and has run her own events business.
The Found grill
Favourite quote:
YOLO – only kidding. Erm, I have 2, can I have 2? I’m having 2.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did.”
Mark Twain
“How do you talk if you don’t have a brain?”
“I don’t know, but don’t you think a lot of people talk a lot without a brain?”Scarecrow – Wizard of Oz
What makes you laugh?
Depends, if you see my laughing at my desk like a weirdo then it’s usually because I’ve been reading Suri’s Burn Book or seen a Tweet from Rich Fulcher. I have a silly and random sense of humour but I really dislike unintelligent humour, like when certain papers take the mickey out of peoples speech impediments, or if someone takes the mickey out of someone with a disability, it then becomes rude and offensive to me.
What will you bring to the team?
I’m hoping to bring structure and fun to the team, I’m very enthusiastic and social and I’m full of ideas, they might not all be great ideas but at least I have some.
High Five or Handshake?
I would high-five a friend if we had just done something really cool e.g. never, but as a formal greeting it would be a handshake or a one cheek kiss, I don’t get 2 cheek kisses, they make me feel awkward and there’s always potential for misreading the situation…
Subway or Salad?
Salad, Subway should only be consumed when you are drunk/hungover and there isn’t a McDonalds nearby.
Pint or Prosecco?
Prosecco, it’s my favourite drink!
Cadburys or Galaxy?
Cadburys, without a doubt, Galaxy doesn’t taste real.
Where would you go right now if you could go anywhere?
To Westeros.
Describe your ideal Sunday.
Yoga, baking cakes, reading in the sun after a long walk to a park and a Sunday Roast.
Found is really happy to have Charlotte on board, she’s a great addition to an already fantastic team!